Monday, July 25, 2016

Week 42

This week has been amazing for me. My new companion Elder Angiuano is super cool and I respect him a lot. He also loves soccer a ton and as I am as some of you know an aspiring soccer goaly now. I'm actually pretty good. I won't lie. I can block shots pretty well! As for being defense or offence...Not so well. Anyway this week has been amazing. Since the ward split we've had an increased effort to focus on things that normally we would be too busy for since we had two wards. Now we are using the area book to its fullest and its seeing quite a lot of success. I'm super happy! 
This week will be the same only I'm hoping that it will be with even more results since we aren't doing transfers or getting new information like last week. I feel like we will see an increase of contacting, and lessons just from doing easy things that before we were too busy for.
Comic con was last week and I must admit I missed that...the sites, the costumes. the smell of clean convention center air in my nose....Ah I really miss it....but I must thank mom for sending the friend along from comic con. I named him George for anyone who is wondering. 
That's really it for now. I hope you all are doing good. I am fantastic, again my new companion is simply amazing and he does a lot for me and helps me.

Peace and love Peace and love 
~Ringo Starr

Elder James H. Nielsen

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